Minecraft Builds
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In order of completion, newest to oldest.
Most of this stuff is built in my friends' servers.
Survival mode stuff
15/11/2023: Big melon update: Melonchurch construction phase 2. Added the cloister sometime in April. Finished the side garden in Nov. Currently undergoing construction phase 3 to add several structures.

A look inside the cloister garden.

Take me to murch (melon church).

Melons are my favourite block
Behind the church.
The garden and interior are still under construction.
A house for the bees. There are some cute little beehives and flowers inside, but the place where the magic happens is the inhumane underground auto bee farm.

Welcome to the Bone Zone, with a (somewhat) functional village. Here's a look at the delightful houses of Bonetown (left), and inside the big skull (right).

Also, the skeleton can do this.

Don't give up, skeleton!

Why make such a roundabout and space-inefficient chicken farm? Because funny
Sad update: the server I built the below creations was nuked due to inactivity. rip.

Here's a shrek house I made. It's a faithful, actually livable recreation of the famous Shrek's house. Comes with a bed, fireplace, storage space, garden, DONKEHY, little window to poke zombies through, keep out signs and mushrooms.

And here's Shrek's famous outhouse. Bust out the door while singing your own rendition of ALL STAR the Shrek national anthem. It has a nice little steaming effect.

A cute little lighthouse/inn on an island nearby a ravine. I was going for a kind of cluttered, haphazard look. It's fully furnished inside as well. The way up is by a rather narrow stairway. Don't fall down!

Another shot of the lighthouse, but it's raining :D

The first thing you see when entering the inn. There's a reception area, crafting amenities, a fireplace and even a lil map of the surrounding areas.
Going up the stairs leads to the rooms and lighthouse itself.
An example of some of the cozy rooms. In the future, I'd like to make a video tour.
A small underground bar, hidden behind... You guessed it, a waterfall. My first build, if you don't count my ugly house. Those bookshelves were a pain to craft, man.
Creative mode stuff
Finished: 2020/12/27

Yeah, yeah, it's a train. I just like trains.
It's fully furnished with chests, 'chairs', as well as beds. The engine room contains a furnace and blast furnace, as well as a storage area in the 'coal' car. There's also a second car inside the mountain which is the first-class car :D
The idea for the nether portal was because the mountain on that side can't fit the train, lol. So.... a portal to hell it is. Yay for engineering!
Unfinished/ deleted builds
Builds that were incomplete before the server got deleted due to inactivity lol.
Amethyst altar
You can tell what game influenced the style of this one. I had built fancy pillars on the walls but forgot to take screenshots before the server got deleted. rip.
Other projects: Currently making a gothic(?) city inspired by Yharnam (from Bloodborne)
finish melonchurch inside, and outside with garden and gazebo